
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

مرحبا بكم


Aug 18, 2022

«Ask him who lives what is life»

Where most people terribly tend to enjoy their emptiness and then horrendously forget the death station, I thus continue to remember. We are mortals and we are all coming to stop by it for a moment. This must be understood. But if you ask me about how I see it, I can submit that I have hardly any fear of crossing such station. I have, instead, fear of my journey in life. I have fear of its painful lessons and tribulations. I do not need to ask anyone about how he/she sees it himself/herself but I need to continue to ask myself, instead, and search for good answers. 

My vision, concerning life, has it that life is not what is happening in reality. No, sir! Life is a choice, a stance and an attitude towards life. Life is that of the heart resisting and bleeding because the mind is scoffing at the human breakdown and busy listing the differences between persons and their ideas, if they have any, and then seeking to normalize and turn a blind eye to the lack of innocence, energy and nobility in everything said and done.

I thus continue to remember and ask myself: Are we living life rightly and decently or are we just waiting for it? How is it that we are going to bring back what has been taken away? How are we going to come back home safely and victoriously after a long journey? Finally, while seeking to earn a good life in which good answers to those questions are to obtain, make sure to carefully build, step by step, and with patience and love, a self-guided search for self-improvement and get rid, at the same time, of those who have only big words in their stinky mouths. 

- Chokri Omri

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