
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

مرحبا بكم


Jul 20, 2020

Only the stupid can believe that !

It is said that, in these times as in previous and coming times, only the evil can afford to be good. I do not beg to differ because, I should think, there is no need for that and, at the same time, it is far from being important. In the meantime, I find it necessary to posit the following supposition: the one who said that (only the evil can afford to be good) might have been desperate, weak and coward enough and did not want to admit what he had made of himself and reduced it to apart, of course, from shying away from making allowance for others to find out about that.

He should have muffled. If the evil can afford to be good, it will not, I reckon, continue to be evil. And even if it can, it must be for want of something of its kind and not for a noble or decent reason. It simply has got a bad role to play which is that of pretending to be good so as to make believe that real goodness does not exist or maybe has for long taken a trip from which there is no return. It thus causes desperate, weak and coward souls to condone and yield to it instead of resisting and insisting. The clumsy and ridiculous play is thus expected to keep going on.

But certainly not, for one thing, such a sweepingly superfluous and unwarranted statement can have an influence on those who knew and also felt deep in their hearts that evil is painting water no one will drink. They did not feel, furthermore, any need for drinking it. The One who gave them life has also given them good water. They simply do not need anyone besides to play trivial games on them and paint fake things for them. These are but few among the many who are trapped and deceived. I therefore and hereby submit that the ship of this deceptive, misleading and crippling statement has sailed by every literal and figurative means and has also sunk with the many passengers and shareholders of it in the vast and deep ocean of life.

Chokri Omri
Tunis, 19/07/2020

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