
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

مرحبا بكم


Jul 7, 2009

Only of recent have I known

Only of recent have I known how clear
It was,
No flower would perish in her grasp.
Why can’t you see this and feel for your
Nature, mother, show us to resist and clasp.

Tell me how I can help it, Freedom is
So dear,
I feel it in my happy land, I breathe it nowhere.
I visit the prairies, no such flowers to be found
As here.
I tell you to grab hold of it, you plead me not to dare.

Keep it your toil not to dare you, clever
Do you want, also, to step out of the way?
Remember me, when you can, every now and
After the harm you will cause to the light of the day.

Chokri Omri

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