تَبْغي النَّجَاةَ وَلَمْ تَسْلُكْ طَرِيقَتَهَا إنَّ السَّفِينَةَ لاَ تَجْرِي عَلَى اليَبَسِ الاسلام سفينة النجاة فى الدنيا والآخرة
Jan 27, 2012
Contemporary Literary Horizon Magazine
The Contemporary & Literary Horizon magazine was founded by an editorial staff coordinated by Mihai Cantuniari (manager) and Daniel Dragomirescu (editor-in-chief) in May 2008. At first, the Contemporary & Literary Horizon aimed to be a sequel of Adevărul literar din Vaslui (Vaslui Literary Truth magazine), which was issued between 16th January 2006 and 1st September 2007. It also aimed to fill a necessary gap as a magazine for the members of the Romanian Writers’ Union in Vaslui County, without excluding the contributions from writers all over the country and even Romanian authors settled abroad. At its debut, the editorial staff also included fiction writer and poet Ion Gheorghe Pricop, an expert on Eminescu, Th. Codreanu, poet Simion Bogdănescu, fiction writer Nicolae Ariton, poets Marian Constandache and Ancelin Roseti, all of them members of the Romanian Writers’ Union. For objective reasons, the new magazine was registered by the National Library as a magazine of a local Christian foundation for children and youth, led by journalist Mihaela Manu.
Symbolically, the front cover of the first issue of the magazine had a document-photo of Vaslui-born poet Ion Iancu Lefter and the chairman of the Writers’ Union of the former Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldavia on the stage of the ‘October’ Palace in Chişinău on 15th January 1990. During that event which was paying homage to M. Eminescu, Ion Iancu Lefter asked the people of Bessarabia to abandon the communist system and prepare for reunification. They could not hasten the preparations for unification – however, on 1st March 1990 poet Ion Iancu Lefter was involved in a deadly car accident on a zebra crossing in the centre of Vaslui. Setting the new magazine under the symbolic auspices of a poet for whom national cultural heritage included all valuable contributions, coming equally from the centre and from the outskirts, meant somehow placing it in the field which linked tradition, modernity and post-modernity, on a position of aesthetic reconciliation and efficient cultural dialogue.
In its two-year existence the magazine has known two significant moments.
Between May 2008 and March 2009 (from issue no. 1/2008 to issue no. 2 (7)/2009), the Contemporary and Literary magazine published poetry, fiction, book reviews and short studies of literary history, essays, interviews, memoirs and various other contributions of the local field, according to criteria such as theme and value; it also tried to avoid particular demands and provincial dilettantism. The new magazine was acknowledged in the cultural press in Bucharest, Iaşi and other cities. In an editorial note in 2008, by a happy slip, România Literară (Literary Romania) magazine was saluting the launch of the Literary Horizon as a ‘contemporary spiritual and cultural magazine’ – a formula which seemed more proper than the one we had initially given (‘European spiritual and cultural magazine’) and which we were to assimilate later on. Old and novel poetries by Ion Iancu Lefter, Ion Enache, Ioan Al. Angheluş were published; the magazine also promoted the works of recently launched authors, such as Mihai Apostu, Leonard Ciureanu, Ancelin Roseti, Dorin Cozan. All at once, fiction writings by Ion Gheorghe Pricop (Facerea / Genesis, excerpt from a working novel), Iorgu Gălăţeanu, (Şerpuind printre şrapnele şi printre viciile semenilor / Looping through Shrapnel Shells and through the Vices of Our Neighbours, excerpt from a novel), Nicolae Ariton (Apostolii / Apostles short story) etc. were also published. Contributions from the field of literary criticism and history by authors Teodor Pracsiu (Poet şi symbol / Poet and Symbol, an essay about Grigore Vieru), Ioan Baban (literary medallions from the work Dicţionar cultural şi literar vasluian / Vaslui Cultural and Literary Dictionary, which was a work in progress at that time), Theodor Codreanu (the novel essay Culpa lui Eliade / Eliade’s Fault), Ion Gheorghe Pricop (Scriitorul în ring / The Writer in the Ring) etc. were published as well. In parallel, contributions from writers outside the local area could also be found in the magazine pages: Gh. Neagu, (Alexandra, short story), Aurel Brumă (the satirical essay Adevărul / The Truth), Florin Bălănescu (the essay De ce-am plecat din Huşiul meu / Why I Left My Huşi) and others. An excerpt from the novel Îngerul tău narator / Your Narrator Angel (sent for publication to Polirom Publishing House) of critic and Italianist Geo Vasile, was published in no. 1/2009. From the Eastern and Western Diaspora the following authors’ poems or essays were published: Theodor Damian (editor-in-chief of the Mild Light/ Lumină lină magazine in New York), Lucian Hetco (editor of the AGERO magazine in Germany) and, from Chişinău, Ion Anton and Traian Vasilcău (both with poems), Mihai Cimpoi (with a critical essay) and Ion Proca, author of a biography of director Emil Loteanu. We have even ventured in the field of literary archaeology as during some issues, we published excerpts from a historical drama (Zori de libertate / Freedom Dawn), written at the end of the obsessive decade by Nicolae Munteanu, an author whom posterity did not remember, who was working for the Ministry of Education in 1944, and who was subsequently disposed of and condemned to prison by the communist regime. The manuscript was discovered by accident in the attic of a building in Iaşi by one of the author’s nephews, who gave it to us as a curiosity of literary history.
The second significant moment in our activity began with issue no. 3 (8)/April 2009, without it having been anticipated or planned, but as a result of the positive evolution of the magazine. From that moment on, the Literary Horizon became an independent, bilingual and multicultural magazine, an opposite of the so-called ‘creative localism’ which some cultural promoters had theorized and supported, but with which the magazine had never fully identified. If we were to borrow a fashionable phrase, we could say that the leap from creative localism to multiculturalism was a challenge to which the Literary Horizon magazine found an adequate answer. Just partially bilingual at first (issues no. 3 – 7/2009), the magazine became fully bilingual starting with issue no. 8 (13) / Sept.-Oct. 2009. The editorial staff was subject to some changes, and an honorary editorial college was established with Ana Blandiana, Gabriel Dimisianu, Dan Mănucă, Lidia Vianu and Gheorghe Glodeanu as members. A team of external collaborators was also established. At first, it included poet and fiction writer Peggy Landsman from the United States and poet Caroline Gill from Great Britain, who had – and still have – a consistent and sustained contribution to the development of the magazine. From the beginning the magazine benefited from a partnership agreement with the Master for the Translation of the Contemporary Literary Text, University of Bucharest, coordinated by Prof. Lidia Vianu. Thus an editorial section of translations, coordinated by Alina-Olimpia Miron who took on the responsibility of general editorial secretary as well, was also established.
During this period, the magazine published works by Gabriel Dimisianu (diary pages), Ana Blandiana (Recviem pentru ţăranul roman / Requiem for the Romanian Peasant), Gh. Glodeanu (Despre Mircea Eliade şi corespondenţa sa / On Mircea Eliade and his Letters), Dan Mănucă (Comendiu Sebastian) etc. Issue no. 3/2009 featured the preview publishing of the work entitled Cele şapte peceţi ale sărutului franţuzesc / The Seven Seals of the French Kiss – an excerpt from the Apocalipsa după Vaslui (Apocalypse after Vaslui), Dorin Cozan’s poem – novel, published by Humanitas Publishing House and which was successfully launched at the Bucharest International Book Festival in November 2009. Starting with no. 9 (14)/ November-December 2009, the really valuable creation of young poet Marius Ştefan Aldea from Timişoara – a beautiful promise of the current Romanian lyrical movement – was also published and promoted. The magazine also featured lyrics by Elisabeta Isanos, a classic-inspired poet and fiction writer and by neo-modernist Tatiana Rădulescu; Mihai Cantuniari offered an excerpt (In the Army) from the second volume of the memoirs novel Bărbatul cu cele trei morţi ale sale / Man and His Three Deaths in order to be published. A poetry anthology entitled Childhood / Copilărie by Ana Blandiana was published in issue no. 5 (10) / June 2009, and the English version was elaborated by Alina-Olimpia Miron. Among the foreign authors, the magazine published anthologies of representative works by Peggy Landsman from the United States (After the News / După ştiri, issue no. 3/2009, translated by Anton Scutaru), Katherine Gallagher from Great Britain (Desperado, issue no. 4/2009, translated by Sînziana Mihalache, Ioana Teodorescu and Alina-Olimpia Miron), Paul Sutherland from Great Britain (Shadow of Earth / Umbra pământului, issue no. 7/August 2009, translated by Roxana Drăguşin-Mîndrican) etc. Prof. Lidia Vianu offered for publication an interesting study (Desperado Riding a Poem / Poemul ca mod de a trăi) dedicated to the poetical work of Katherine Gallagher, a venerable London poet.
The magazine’s blog was launched in July 2009 (with content and DTP limitations imposed by freely-hosted blogs); at the end of October the launch of a new blog under the title Contemporary Horizon was deemed as necessary. This led to an increase in the ratings of the internet-based magazine and also facilitated the establishment of some useful relations of collaboration with English and Spanish writers in the European Union and from all over the world. Among them there were Belgian poet, sociologist and historian Lena Vanelslander, Maria Dolores Garcia Pastor (Spanish novelist), Marian Ramentol Serratosa (poet, editor-in-chief of the La Nausea magazine) and Anna Rossell Ibern (a Germanist from the Autonomous University in Barcelona, interested in Herta Muller’s novels), essayist Peter Hart from Cambridge and poets Byron Beynon, Mark Murphy, Wayne Visser, Chris Kinsey, Pascale Petit from Great Britain, artist and medieval art specialist Galina Nikolova from Veliko Tîrnovo, (Bulgaria), poet Allan Stevo from Slovakia (published with Jingling of Keys / Sunetul cheilor, a lyrical-narrative about the Velvet Revolution), fiction writer Catherine Rakose from Grenoble and fractalist artist Dominique Cibil from Nancy, (France), author Raymond Walden from Germany (published in issue no. 1/2010 with Cosmonomic Freedom, a philosophical manifesto written for our magazine), poets Rita Dahl from Finland and Elo Viiding from in Estonia (with the satirical Mother’s Day / Ziua mamei). From the United States, the magazine has published poems and essays by Michael Essig (May Peace Be With You, My Brothers!, a lyrical-narrative triptych written at our request, inspired by the Vietnam war in which the author took a direct part as a soldier), poems by Victor P. Gendrano, Patty Godinez, Ernest Williamson III, Burt Rashbaum, Donald Riggs (a talented writer of sonnets), civic and satirical fiction by Peggy Landsman (Cold War, Mister McCormack) and Alexander Kudera (Over Fifty Billion Kafkas / Peste cincizeci de milioane de Kafka). Under the auspices of the Welsh Dialogues / Dialogurilor galeze, Caroline Gill has done a series of interviews with British contemporary poets (Peter Thabit Jones, Chris Kinsey, and Byron Beynon) for the BBC and for the Contemporary & Literary Horizon, and the series will go on. Caroline Gill’s cultural devotion is exemplary, as is this English poet and cultural promoter’s interest for Romanian poetry and for the Romanian language. The magazine has published an anthology of the works of Australian poet Mark William Jackson, an author with a sarcastic vision regarding post-industrial society. Some elaborate and well-documented contributions were offered to the magazine by the University reader Khem Guragain from Nepal (Afro-American Tradition and the Aesthetic Perspectives of Toni Morrison), writer and journalist Nazia Mallick from New Delhi (the essay Women’s Condition in Islam, as well as a study on the novel Slaughter Five by Kurt Vonnegut) and, last but not least, the essays written by young Vinisha Nambiar from Bombay, India, regarding present mentalities in contemporary Indian society (Brave Heart / Inimă neînfricată) and by Venkata Ramanan (A Human-faced Communism). Upon our request, Ronaldo Pulito, a Cuban artist who has been living in exile in New York since the 1980s, has written an interesting article (The Cuban Diaspora and Democracy). We cannot pass over the contributions of Nigerian poet and writer Abiola Olatunde, who – having understood that multiculturalism does not annul the interest for local cultures – has offered us some interesting essays, such as Oronshen, Venus from Owo and Theatre in Nigeria. The Contemporary & Literary Horizon magazine has also received countless offers of collaboration (poetry, fiction and essays) from South America. These were signed by Marina Centeno (Yucatan, Mexico), Miguel Angel de Boer (Argentina), Marcela Meirelles (Uruguay), Iane Rubens de Mello, Elen Braga Gruber, Eugenia Cutinho from Brazil, etc. The Writers’ Society of Chile has been manifesting a particular interest in the magazine and people from Argentina have recently addressed us a request to support renowned writer Miguel Oscar Menassa’s nomination for the Nobel Prize. The limited writing space prevents us from mentioning all the contributions from which the magazine has benefited up to this day and we would like to apologise to the Romanian and foreign authors whose names we could not include in this presentation; we would like to promise them that their names will be mentioned on the occasion of a complete bibliography of the magazine during its first two years of existence.
The magazine is currently managed by an editorial staff made up of twelve copy editors and eleven translators – therefore having the support of over twenty external collaborators from various countries of the world, some of whom have been remarkably constant, serious and competent. Some of them are not only authors of literature, but also professors. We would like to mention a few: Donald Riggs, Professor at Drexel University, Philadelphia; Khem Guragain, Lecturer of English language and literature at the Tribhuvan University in Katmandu, Nepal; Peter Thabit Jones, poet and professor at Swansea University, Great Britain; Anna Rossell Ibern, professor at the Autonomous University in Barcelona; Wayne Visser, professor at Cambridge University.
The horizons of a favourable development during the following period remain wide open for the Contemporary & Literary magazine.
7th April 2010
Translator: Elena Gheorghe
Proofreader: Rodica Ionaş
Jan 26, 2012
'Of Tintern Abbey I Thought' by El Habib Louai
Alone as I were deep in thoughts as dreams
The sweet fresh breeze caressed my face
Swiftly hugged my wide uncovered chest
While I walked down that half-empty street
With an old inherited suitcase of books full
And I wondered how faraway I wandered
On Tintern Abbey I smilingly pondered
Is it as cloudy here as it was thither?
When Wordsworth met his dear sister
I let the thought fly leisurely by, and by
In bubbles back to the pure calm Wye
Taken unnoticed by a caressing breeze
I raised my eyes up to the sky letting them
Embrace the free voyaging grey clouds
Clouds pregnant with seeds of pure water
A curing balsam to the aching mother earth
I let them, my eyes, journey to the mountains
My dim eyes, I let them survey as a soft wing
Suddenly a cold rain drop kissed me and I
Sighed with joy, wishing it was you, if only
It was you, you, the dear Moorish Penelope
Who is somewhere not here, but within me
Inside me, by me, haunting my fragile ribs
Still, it is still here as in old Andalucía days
I wanted anew to be a forsaken shepherd
But I may not find any soul in wait for me
Since I came to lose all those dear ones
Let me drift alone aimlessly to a wide sea
That receives me with a motherly bosom
Once I am lost, hurt, or simply deserted
There alone happy I’ll sit as a shepherd
On the empty banks of a secluded sea
Watching my goats grazing near the sea
I’ll journey through piquant melodies of
Such sweet lasting music composed by
Rimbaud, Verlaine or the warm Lamartine
Shall I call once again as a hermit?
Come all of ye, all of ye, those afar,
Near, asleep, awake or in between,
To join another lonely forsaken soul
By a lake or seashore so welcoming
It will include you in its virgin eternity.
Elhabib Louai
*Elhabib Louai received his B.A in English literature and linguistics from the university of Ibn Zohr,Morocco in 2007. He is teaching English in a junior high school in Agadir. He started a master's degree in comparative studies this year.A number of his poems were published in some online magazines such Indigo Rising and Camel Saloon.
Jan 21, 2012
Jan 20, 2012
Jan 17, 2012
When tomorrow starts without me
When tomorrow starts without me,
And I'm not there to see;
If the sun should rise and find your eyes
All filled with tears for me;
I wish so much you wouldn't cry
The way you did today,
While thinking of the many things,
We didn't get to say.
I know how much you love me,
As much as I love you,
And each time that you think of me,
I know you'll miss me too;
But when tomorrow starts without me,
Please try to understand,
That an angel came and called my name,
And took me by the hand,
And said my place was ready,
In heaven far above,
And that I'd have to leave behind
All those I dearly love.
But as I turned to walk away,
A tear fell from my eye,
For all my life, I'd always thought,
I didn't want to die.
I had so much to live for,
So much yet to do,
It seemed almost impossible,
That I was leaving you.
I thought of all the yesterdays,
The good ones and the bad,
I thought of all the love we shared,
And alll the fun we had.
If I could relive yesterday,
Just even for a while,
I'd say good-bye and kiss you
And maybe see you smile.
But then I fully realised,
That this could never be,
For emptiness and memories,
Would take the place of me.
And when I thought of worldly things,
I might miss come tomorrow,
I thought of you, and when I did,
My heart was filled with sorrow.
But when I walked through heaven's gates,
I felt so much at home.
When God looked down and smiled at me,
From His great golden throne,
He said "This is eternity,
And all I've promised you.
Today for life on earth is past,
But here it starts anew.
I promise no tomorrow,
But today will always last,
And since each day's the same way
There's no longing for the past.
But you have been so faithful,
So trusting and so true.
Thought there were times you did some things,
You knew you shouldn't do.
But you have been forgiven
And now at last you're free.
So won't you take my hand
And share my life with me?"
So when tomorrow starts without me,
Don't think we're far apart,
For every time you think of me,
I'm right here, in your heart.
And I'm not there to see;
If the sun should rise and find your eyes
All filled with tears for me;
I wish so much you wouldn't cry
The way you did today,
While thinking of the many things,
We didn't get to say.
I know how much you love me,
As much as I love you,
And each time that you think of me,
I know you'll miss me too;
But when tomorrow starts without me,
Please try to understand,
That an angel came and called my name,
And took me by the hand,
And said my place was ready,
In heaven far above,
And that I'd have to leave behind
All those I dearly love.
But as I turned to walk away,
A tear fell from my eye,
For all my life, I'd always thought,
I didn't want to die.
I had so much to live for,
So much yet to do,
It seemed almost impossible,
That I was leaving you.
I thought of all the yesterdays,
The good ones and the bad,
I thought of all the love we shared,
And alll the fun we had.
If I could relive yesterday,
Just even for a while,
I'd say good-bye and kiss you
And maybe see you smile.
But then I fully realised,
That this could never be,
For emptiness and memories,
Would take the place of me.
And when I thought of worldly things,
I might miss come tomorrow,
I thought of you, and when I did,
My heart was filled with sorrow.
But when I walked through heaven's gates,
I felt so much at home.
When God looked down and smiled at me,
From His great golden throne,
He said "This is eternity,
And all I've promised you.
Today for life on earth is past,
But here it starts anew.
I promise no tomorrow,
But today will always last,
And since each day's the same way
There's no longing for the past.
But you have been so faithful,
So trusting and so true.
Thought there were times you did some things,
You knew you shouldn't do.
But you have been forgiven
And now at last you're free.
So won't you take my hand
And share my life with me?"
So when tomorrow starts without me,
Don't think we're far apart,
For every time you think of me,
I'm right here, in your heart.
Unconditional Love
A treasure to be cherised,
A gift from God above;
Is the beauty of a friendship,
Touched by unconditional love.
A love that asks no questions,
Believes in all the best;
Never doubting, ever trusting,
Withstanding any test.
A love that weathers any storm,
And yet that love still stands;
Through the very darkest hour,
It still reaches out a hand.
There in that hand the sweetest gift,
That you can give a friend;
A heart that cares, a love that shares,
That will be there till the end.
A treasure to be cherised,
A gift from God above;
Is waht I shaare with you my friend,
An unconditional love.
Written by Allison Chambers Coxsey
A gift from God above;
Is the beauty of a friendship,
Touched by unconditional love.
A love that asks no questions,
Believes in all the best;
Never doubting, ever trusting,
Withstanding any test.
A love that weathers any storm,
And yet that love still stands;
Through the very darkest hour,
It still reaches out a hand.
There in that hand the sweetest gift,
That you can give a friend;
A heart that cares, a love that shares,
That will be there till the end.
A treasure to be cherised,
A gift from God above;
Is waht I shaare with you my friend,
An unconditional love.
Written by Allison Chambers Coxsey
Jan 10, 2012
Jan 8, 2012
All spiritualities highlight the ambivalence and ambiguity of love; its different natures and its two faces. Love is an initiatory school in which we learn to make progress, to rise above ourselves and then to free ourselves, but it can also be a prison in which we are bound by more and more chains. We go under, get lost and eventually become totally dependent. The universal teachings of spiritualities, philosophies and all religions are in agreement about this, and proffer the same truths: in love, the individual rediscovers what he or she went there to look for, because love is a mirror as well as a revelation. Because he is under the sway of his emotions and his need to possess, his love will always turn against him and cause him the sufferings of dissatisfaction and a chained heart. Imbued with spirituality and mastery, his love will take him out of the self and enable him to attain fulfilment and self-giving.
Love is therefore like education. It involves “going with” and learning to detach ourselves with an ever-greater awareness of the ambivalence of things and of the need for balance, which is always so difficult to achieve and so fragile. Knowing oneself, loving oneself sufficiently, learning to love better, to give, to give oneself and to forgive are lifelong learning processes that are never complete, never finished, always to be renewed. Loving without becoming attached and loving without becoming an object of attachment are probably both attitudes that require human beings to develop an acute discernment and to arm themselves with deep qualities of being and courage. Loving life and watching it fade away, loving ourselves without any illusions about ourselves, loving one’s loves in the knowledge that times will take them away, loving without idolatry, and loving with an awareness of the relativity of all things. That is the profound meaning of the loving compassion that must, in the Buddhist tradition, set us free. In the monotheist religions, the oneness of God has the same deep meaning. We must free ourselves from our illusions, from the false worship of our desires and idols of one’s inner self if we wish to accede to a love-lucidity as we seek a proximity that can perceive the extent of distance in the absolute. That is the mystical experience that al-Jilâni (11-12th centuries) and Rûmi (13th century) tries to convey, as do all spiritual and mystical experiences. Gibran’s Prophet sums up how the love of the Whole and/or God leads us to abandon the self when he says ‘When you love, you should not say “God is in my heart”, but rather “I am in the heart of God”.’
To love without being dependent. Nothing could be more difficult, and doing so requires a long apprenticeship that is both demanding and sometimes painful. The goal is to love without any illusions. That is all the more difficult in that we sometimes have the impression that love means being deluded. How can we graduate from the illusion of love to the lucidity of love? How can we detach ourselves from the very thing to which we are, by definition, attached? Gibran’s Prophet also says: ‘Love possess not, nor would it be possessed ’, but what becomes of those who are possessed, of the women and men who are ‘blinded by love’ and who are in chains? How can we reach out of ourselves to merge into the heart of the Whole or the Light of the One? Love is indeed a promise of good, beauty and well-being, but that promise has always come with so many tears, so much suffering, and so much pain. To live is to suffer; to live is to love … to love is to suffer. And if we wish to live, must we therefore come to love our suffering until we die?
The love that transcends love is a love that liberates. It brings both fullness and a sense of contingency. We therefore have to teach our consciousness and our hearts to love in the absolute of the moment and in full awareness of time, to be there and to know that we will pass away. To love whilst learning to go away: the finest love never forgets separation, and still less does it forget death. Love and death are the most human of all couples: the deepest human love tries to have no illusions about the inevitability of death. That fragility is its strength. The power of humility lies hidden on the edge of that awareness –in love –of death.
To go back to the beginning. The sacred texts, the ancient traditions and all philosophies of all ages tell us to look at and learn from Nature, its beauty and its cycles, and to the ephemeral and eternity. We know that we love, naturally, but they still teach us to love better, to love consciously and spiritually, and to learn to apprehend meaning in detachment. And we have to choose between the reserve of Kant and Nietzsche’s impetuosity, between the way of Buddha and that of Dionysus, between the love of God and the love of Desire. Between an idea of freedom and the management of needs, between independence and dependence, and between detachment and bondage. One does not choose to love but one can choose how to love. Nature is the mirror before which we must raise our faces, gaze into proximity and distance, in the knowledge that, whilst we are now fully present, the earth will give the same fullness to others as it sanctifies our absence. The mirror of time and the infinite spaces reflect it, the liberated self understands it, and the One repeats it: to love is to be there, in proximity to the extraordinary in the ordinary, and to offer, give and forgive. To love is to reconcile the sedentary presence with nomadic migration, the roots of the tree with the strength of the winds. To love is to receive and to learn to let beings go. To love is to give and to learn to go. And vice versa
Professor Tariq Ramadan
Love is therefore like education. It involves “going with” and learning to detach ourselves with an ever-greater awareness of the ambivalence of things and of the need for balance, which is always so difficult to achieve and so fragile. Knowing oneself, loving oneself sufficiently, learning to love better, to give, to give oneself and to forgive are lifelong learning processes that are never complete, never finished, always to be renewed. Loving without becoming attached and loving without becoming an object of attachment are probably both attitudes that require human beings to develop an acute discernment and to arm themselves with deep qualities of being and courage. Loving life and watching it fade away, loving ourselves without any illusions about ourselves, loving one’s loves in the knowledge that times will take them away, loving without idolatry, and loving with an awareness of the relativity of all things. That is the profound meaning of the loving compassion that must, in the Buddhist tradition, set us free. In the monotheist religions, the oneness of God has the same deep meaning. We must free ourselves from our illusions, from the false worship of our desires and idols of one’s inner self if we wish to accede to a love-lucidity as we seek a proximity that can perceive the extent of distance in the absolute. That is the mystical experience that al-Jilâni (11-12th centuries) and Rûmi (13th century) tries to convey, as do all spiritual and mystical experiences. Gibran’s Prophet sums up how the love of the Whole and/or God leads us to abandon the self when he says ‘When you love, you should not say “God is in my heart”, but rather “I am in the heart of God”.’
To love without being dependent. Nothing could be more difficult, and doing so requires a long apprenticeship that is both demanding and sometimes painful. The goal is to love without any illusions. That is all the more difficult in that we sometimes have the impression that love means being deluded. How can we graduate from the illusion of love to the lucidity of love? How can we detach ourselves from the very thing to which we are, by definition, attached? Gibran’s Prophet also says: ‘Love possess not, nor would it be possessed ’, but what becomes of those who are possessed, of the women and men who are ‘blinded by love’ and who are in chains? How can we reach out of ourselves to merge into the heart of the Whole or the Light of the One? Love is indeed a promise of good, beauty and well-being, but that promise has always come with so many tears, so much suffering, and so much pain. To live is to suffer; to live is to love … to love is to suffer. And if we wish to live, must we therefore come to love our suffering until we die?
The love that transcends love is a love that liberates. It brings both fullness and a sense of contingency. We therefore have to teach our consciousness and our hearts to love in the absolute of the moment and in full awareness of time, to be there and to know that we will pass away. To love whilst learning to go away: the finest love never forgets separation, and still less does it forget death. Love and death are the most human of all couples: the deepest human love tries to have no illusions about the inevitability of death. That fragility is its strength. The power of humility lies hidden on the edge of that awareness –in love –of death.
To go back to the beginning. The sacred texts, the ancient traditions and all philosophies of all ages tell us to look at and learn from Nature, its beauty and its cycles, and to the ephemeral and eternity. We know that we love, naturally, but they still teach us to love better, to love consciously and spiritually, and to learn to apprehend meaning in detachment. And we have to choose between the reserve of Kant and Nietzsche’s impetuosity, between the way of Buddha and that of Dionysus, between the love of God and the love of Desire. Between an idea of freedom and the management of needs, between independence and dependence, and between detachment and bondage. One does not choose to love but one can choose how to love. Nature is the mirror before which we must raise our faces, gaze into proximity and distance, in the knowledge that, whilst we are now fully present, the earth will give the same fullness to others as it sanctifies our absence. The mirror of time and the infinite spaces reflect it, the liberated self understands it, and the One repeats it: to love is to be there, in proximity to the extraordinary in the ordinary, and to offer, give and forgive. To love is to reconcile the sedentary presence with nomadic migration, the roots of the tree with the strength of the winds. To love is to receive and to learn to let beings go. To love is to give and to learn to go. And vice versa
Professor Tariq Ramadan
Jan 3, 2012
من كنت أنا وكيف أصبحت
لا تنظري إلي
لا تتفحصي ملامح حزني
ولا ترتجي أن أبتسم َ
أو أن أقتربَ منك بلطف
وحدهُ الله يعلم
من كنت أنا
وكيف أصبحت
أنا المسافر الأبعد
وسيد الماضي الذي لاينام
مهلا , ما شأنك من أنا
ومن أكون
لاتنظري إلي
فأنني جنون الجنون
دعيني أصطحبك لجولة بين حياتى وذكرياتي
واجعلك تقفين على اطلال أوراقي ومحطاتي
تأملي هزائمي وتأملي بطولاتي
أنا متحف ٌ مغلق ٌ بالشمع الأحمر
فاقفزي من فوق أسواري
وأرفعي ستائري
ودعي الضوء من نافذتي يتسلل
واغرقي بين سطوري وحروفي
وان كان لديك قلم ٌ فدعيه يتوسل
استشهدي بين بحاري
فربما أسمع ندائك
وربما أتأخر
أتركي أحاسيسي
وأهجري السطور والأوزان
وتأملي معاني ما أقول
ولا تصفقي لسجع الكلمات
فإنني أولد وأحتضر بقلمي
وألمي هو من يسرقني في الليل
ويرتلني في النهار
ولكني علمت بأنهم سيخطفونك
من بين عناويني
فاستودعتك لخالق الأرض والسماوات
مازالت عيناكي مجهولتان الهوية
مقامرتان تبحثان عن مغامرة جريئة
وأنا من منحت أسرى النساء أوراق الحريه
وعتقت رقاب الحروف الأبجديه
وشربت قهوتي
بين حبال المشنقه
ودعوت الشرق الى وليمة الموت
فوق مائدة عظامي في قاع المقبرة
فتأرجحي على عنوان ورقتي
واغتسلي بين سطوري
وتعثري في المحبره
لطالما تحدثت عن القلوب التي خلقت من ورق
لطالما مسحت الدموع التي تسيل بلون الحبر الازرق
ولطالما رضيت بشفتين من نبيذ وطرقت أبواب الخطر
وصرخت هل من مزيد
ولكنك أيقظتيني بنبرة أرق
فثقي أنني لن أحبك يوماَ
فبأصبعي خاتم سليمان
وفي أوراقي حورية الجان
ولكنني سأدمنك حد الغرق
لاتقفِى على شاطئي
فإن عفاريت بحري تستيقظ
وأنا كنت أبحث فيك عن وطن
ولكنك جعلتي مردة البحر تثور
من تحت عباءة الكفن
وأصبحت ملائكة السماء من ذنوبنا تستغفر
واسودت الارض في وجوهنا فكيف نستنكر
لا سبيل للخلاص منك
ولست أنا بريئا منك
فعودي للوراء
فأنا لست مخلوقا من نور
ولن تجدي لدي
إسم الله الأعظم
أعترف بأنني طيلة حياتي
كنت ألقي اللوم على القدر
وأشير إليه بكل هزائمي
أعترف أنني كنت اورط معه
المسافة والزمن
وجيمع ماعلى سطح الأرض من بشر
أعترف أنني ألقيت بتاريخ جرائمي في عمق البحر
وأسفكت دماء الورق
واتهمت القلم
ولكنني أيقنت اخيرا بأنني المتهم
نعم ياسيدتي انا المتهم
وزرائي مخلوقين من حروف
ودولتي طائشة
يطيش منها الجنون
حتى في الشوارع الفارغه تفيض جنون
ورائي الحشم والخدم
وصورتي تسكن في برواز القلم
وجنودي عشاق اللا مالوف
وصمتي عبقري نصوص
وأقنعتي لاعدد لها
يسرقها اللصوص
وتبقى ألوف
اعترف انني اعاني انفصاما في الشخصية
ورقتي استنسخت في قلمي ألف هوية
وذنوبي سحر من الأبجديه
فلا تلوميني ان هاج بحري
والتهم شطآنك بكل همجيه
انا ملاذ ارواح تائهة
وانا حقيبة مفقودة في بحر مهجور
لاتوجد به باخره
وأنا من سرقت من الجن نسائهم
وانا من تتقاتل في اوراقه
الشياطين مع الملائكه
فكيف لاتريدين اني ابتسم
اذا ما رأيتك بين امواجي خائفه
لاتجبريني على ان اطلق سراح صمتي
فإنني سجنت كلماتي وراء الشمس
وخبات جنوني في عطارد
وحين استيقظ بداخلي المارد
استسلمت لهذياني
ومازلت أبحر بين فصول السنة
وأجذف بين خريف الاحتضار
أبدا لم يكن طبعي الانتظار
فاحضري كفنك فما زال بين اناملي قلم جبار
ليس بوسعي ان أقف امام البحر وألقي بماضي والذكريات
فانا البحر في عمقه
وانا غموض الصمت يخنقني بين نحيب الجمرات
يخنقني صمتي حين اوشك على الاعتراف
لاتوجد انثى تطفئ نيران بحري حين يحترق
ولايطفئ الماء سوى الماء
فدعيني أحترق كما أشاء
دعيني أصل إلى قمة الغليان
دعيني أتبخر بين السحب
واغرق الأرض بالأمطار
دعيني احترق فأن البحار حين تحترق
لاتتحول إلى رماد
دعي موجي يعلو
دعيه يعلو الى ان يسقط
ثم حاولي العوم
فمن يدري
كيف يكون العوم في بحر
يسكن بين عيني أنسان
تناقضي أتعبني
أنكسر أمام مرآتي
واحضر بكامل أناقتي على الورق
أرتدي جنوني
وأضع فووق رأسي
قبعة الاختباء
ويظهر رغم اختفائي غروري
ويصرخ غبائي في وجوه الأذكياء
وأنا أنقسم في كل الفصول
وأتعثر على الأرض
وأغرق في البحر
وأتبعثر في الريح
وأحترق بين الورق
وأرتب حقائبي حين يصرخ الشتاء
عشت أعواماً
لا أستنشق الا عطرا واحدا
ولاأشاهد في كل وجوه النساء
الا وجها واحدا
لتلك الأنثى التي هزمتني
بكل كبرياء
فما عدت اعلم
هل ستكون محطتي الأخيرة
على جنازة من ورق
أم بين دموع النساء
أنا سيد الإبتسامات الصفراء
وأنا الحزين هنا
وقلمي عربيد حبر
وحروفي عاهرة ٌ ترقص بين سطور ورقتي في كل مساء
فاعذري كلماتي اللا مرتبة
ولاتقصي أثر عناويني المبجله
واعذري قلمي اذا ما أساء
حين كنت طفلا
كانت دموعي فوق كل وسادة ومرتبة
وها أنا الآن بلا دموع
فلا تفتشي داخلي عن البراعم والغصون
ولاتبحثي عن خيول المعركة
فلن تجدي الشهداء بين السطور
ولن تجدي دماء ً على أرض
ولا عظاما ً في مقبرة
لايوجد أثر للإنهار ولا للسيول
فلقد هجرني البكاء
واعتلى الصدأ السيوف
نامي داخلي إن أردتي ولا تخافي
فان العفاريت لم تعد ترضى بالفراغ المهجور
حلقي بين أحلامك السبعه
وأنا أعدك ان لايوقظك شخير الحروف
أنا لست شاعرا ً
ولست كاتبا ً ولا مجنون
ولكن الإنسان إذا ماصرخت ضلوعه
أصبح هذيانه شعر رسول
أنا لست الصادق الأمين
ولم تتوحم والدتي على الانبياء والمرسلين
ولم أحضر معركة اليرموك
لا و لا حطين
ولم يهبط علي جبريل
ولكني بقلم واحد
قطعت الشك من اليقين
و وضعت حدا ً للغلو في الدين
وأنا غزوت قبائل العرب
لأنصب في شبه الجزيرة
خيام المجانين
ملك الاحزآن الباكى
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